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Clover app partners

Get more great Yelp reviews. Here’s how.

According to recent research, more than 90 percent of customers read online reviews before making a purchase decision and up

Clover product news

4 reasons you should list your business with Apple Maps

If you run a small business, one of the most important jobs you will undertake is getting your business found.

Clover app partners

Crowd pleasers: Aligning your business with a cause

The new year is a great time to align your business with a cause you and your customers share. Increasingly,

Payments & processing

What small businesses should look for in a POS system

Choosing the right point-of-sale system for your business is like hiring a new employee. Each POS system comes with its


Business scenario: Negotiating a lease renewal

Rent is one of the largest expenditures for small businesses and can make a huge difference in your profitability and

Customer service

5 questions to ask before discontinuing a product

You’re a small business owner, but you’re also a customer yourself. Which makes you familiar with the sense of loss


5 questions to ask to create a striking window display

This post is part of our 5 Questions series, helping merchants ask the right questions before making key business decisions.