How to make payments as easy as possible for your customers and for you

Editorial Team

3 min read
Person scanning QR code on restaurant check

At a time of rising inflation, with recession fears looming on the horizon, your customers are likely starting to think about trimming their budgets wherever possible. And when customers are predisposed to think twice about purchases, the last thing you want to do is add friction to the payment process.

Making payments easy and friction-free won’t fully recession-proof your business, but it’s an important step. Here’s how to make getting paid as easy as possible—for you and for your customers.

Accept all forms of payment

Technology makes this easier than ever. With a Clover POS system, you can accept all major forms of payment, from old-school to cutting edge. Your customers can pay with cash; they can pay with a check you can immediately scan and deposit; they can pay with any major credit and debit cards, whether swipe or chip; they can even use NFC-enabled cards or make payments with a mobile device, including Apple Pay®, Google Pay®, and Samsung Pay®. 

Accept payments anywhere, anytime

Your Clover Web Dashboard also allows you to easily take payments online, over the phone, or by mail or email. You can send an invoice by email, text, or via social media that clients can pay online. You can add a “buy” or “pay” button to your website or blog without web developers. You can add QR codes to any printed materials, including flyers, mailers, and signs, so that customers can scan and pay. You can also take payments over the phone by entering a customer’s card details into your Virtual Terminal. Wherever you’re taking payments, the appearance of your payment page is fully customizable to include your business logo.

Automate payments whenever possible

The easiest way to take the pain out of payment for your customers is to make paying automatic. Your Clover Web Dashboard also makes it easy to schedule recurring payments. Whether you’re a service provider on retainer or a business owner who offers a subscription option, automating payments creates a guaranteed, predictable revenue stream. These days, all kinds of businesses are adopting a subscription or membership model, creating monthly ‘boxes’ of treats for loyal customers, or offering a suite of regular services. Even restaurants are getting in on the subscription game, offering customers a certain number of meals, drinks, or dishes for a fixed monthly fee. 

Making payments easy and friction-free is, well, easy with a Clover POS system. See for yourself how Clover makes payments simple.

This information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial, or tax advice. Readers should contact their attorneys, financial advisors, or tax professionals to obtain advice with respect to any particular matter.

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At a time of rising inflation, with recession fears looming on the horizon, your customers are predisposed to think twice about purchases. The last thing you want to do is add friction to the payment process.

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