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Clover App Market Spotlight: Help people find your products online with Pointy

Over 90% of retail still happens offline, in brick-and-mortar stores across the country. However, these days, when a consumer is looking for something, their first port of call is to…

3 reasons to keep your shop’s countertops clutter-free

If you’re running a business, chances are you’ve got a lot going on: customers to service, employees to manage, inventory to track—and any number of other things calling for your…

3 reasons to keep your shop’s countertops clutter-free

This post will take a quick look at three points to consider in keeping your store’s countertops as clutter-free as possible. 1. First things first. Remember the old shampoo commercial…

6 tactics for unifying the front and back of house for restaurants

While their jobs might differ, everyone should be working toward the same purpose: to see the restaurant succeed, work in a positive environment, and create an experience everyone can be…

How to reassure your staff when business is slow

Research has shown that engaged employees are far more likely to believe they can make a difference to the bottom line, to reduce costs effectively, and to positively influence the…

Business trends & research roundup: millennial customers

Who are millennials? Millennials are now the biggest generation in the U.S., making up more than a quarter of the population. They’re already a big force in consumer spending, and…

3 things to consider when structuring your loyalty program

Sure, at the beginning, you may have been a free-spirited artist looking to make a living off of your craft. However, the minute you decided to get serious about making…

500,000 and counting: Clover hits a milestone

As Stephen Franklin of Atlanta’s DAS BBQ was hard at work putting the finishing touches on his new restaurant last week, little did he know he’d be the recipient of…

5 tips for getting your piece of the holiday shopping frenzy

Focus on unique quality, not steep discounts Don’t get caught up in the hype of deep discounting. Yes, in the short term, it may yield higher sales, but predictable steep discounts really…

Forget the iPhone headphone jack: The new Clover Go has you covered

That’s why today we are announcing the availability of our new all-in-one Clover Go. Unlike other card readers that need a separate device to accept credit or debit card swipes,…