Why you should consider adding tiny cocktails to your restaurant & bar menu

Editorial Team

5 min read
Flight of tiny mixed cocktails on a table

As a busy restaurant or bar owner, you probably don’t spend a lot of time sitting around reflecting on the notion that “less is more.” But here’s one place where that may well be the case: your bar menu. When it comes to craft cocktails and shots, consider mixing things up by going mini. Believe it or not, tiny drinks are on the rise.

Whether your business is a regular destination for the happy hour set or you’re just thinking about your menu design, embracing new ideas can keep regulars coming back and help grow your business.

You may already have experimented with seasonal or novel drink offerings–or with including mocktails on your menu. Here are 4 reasons why you should also consider taking things to the next level by offering tiny cocktails.

1. It’s good to shake things up

If you’re in the business of making drinks, you already know the value of a good shake up. In a competitive market for restaurants and bars, innovation is key to attracting business and keeping regulars hooked and coming back. The idea of a mini drink may seem unconventional, but at many times in history and in many cultures, it’s been the norm. 

In the early 20th century, for instance, cocktails tended to be tiny by today’s standards. They generally comprised no more than 2 ounces of alcohol and were meant to be drunk very cold and quite fast, much like shots. In many cultures, both historically and today, mid and post-meal shots were served as a way to cleanse the palate and enhance a festive and convivial atmosphere. So while it may just seem like the latest passing trend, consider serving a round of mid-meal shots to your guests a vintage throwback.

READ: How to conduct alcohol server training

2. Alcohol-conscious customers can still join in the fun

While the majority of adults in the US drink occasionally, the number of Americans trying to drink less is on the rise. According to one consumer study conducted in 2023, some 41% of Americans planned to drink less alcohol in 2024—and the trend was most pronounced among the youngest and most trend-conscious demographic–Gen Zs. 

But, even customers trying to cut back on their drinking, especially on weeknights, may still want to enjoy a libation. With the rise of Dry January has come an expansion of the mocktail market–a new trend in sober bars and non-alcoholic bottle shops. Consider tiny drinks another way to jump on the alcohol-conscious wagon. Mini drinks offer guests an opportunity to join in the frivolity and connect with others while still reducing their booze intake. Afterall, drinking is typically a social event, bringing people together for a toast, a celebration, or simply comradery.

3. Pricing on tiny cocktails can boost profit margins

If helping guests leaning into fun is one part of the mix in the restaurant and bar business, making ends meet is the other. Tiny drinks don’t have to come with tiny profit margins. On the contrary, like the small-plates craze, pricing on tiny cocktails and shots can increase merchant profits. 

Compared to full-sized drinks, mini drinks may be faster to prepare at volume and allow for more efficient bar service. They tend to be less expensive to make than larger drinks, but can still be priced to reflect the craft and novelty that they represent for customers. Meanwhile, the opportunity for low-commitment drinking can tip some customers, who wouldn’t otherwise purchase a full-sized drink, into purchasing the mini version. Experimenting with mini drinks may well max your profits. 

READ: Bar opening and closing checklists

4. Tiny drinks can help you go big on branding 

Easy to make at scale, tiny drinks are perfect for an after-work happy hour, milestone celebration, or tiny-drink tasting event. If you run a restaurant, you can consider offering a free shot or tiny cocktail to guests at the start or end of a meal. 

As a time-honored tradition, it signals conviviality, can differentiate your brand, and can create an experience that makes loyal customers out of guests. Diners and bar-goers often crave variety and new experiences. When it comes to marketing your bar or restaurant, the novelty of the tiny drinks trend can help you stand out from the crowd and bring new customers through the door. And you can bet the next time your guests pause for a mid-meal toast, on the house, they’ll be sharing the details with their friends later. 

Go tiny (or big) with Clover

In the ever-shifting dining and entertainment industry, making changes can be hard. But it doesn’t have to be. Great software can go a long way to easing the process of experimentation. Clover makes it simple for restaurants to update menus and manage inventory to easily include new additions. Clover POS system for restaurants and bars & breweries streamline the mechanics of updating your menu, so that you can focus on what you do best–providing great drinks, foods, and experiences for guests. And our compact, handheld POS devices–like the Flex, Flex Pocket, and even Go–make it quick and easy to set up a tab or take payments wherever your guests are. 

Learn more about a Clover POS system for restaurants or speak to a Clover Consultant today.

Image by vecstock on Freepik

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