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Customer service

3 local bookstores on harnessing the power of community

A local bookstore can be so much more than a place to pick up the latest beach read. Far from

Coffee shops and cafes

How to open a restaurant

There were 1 million-plus restaurants in the United States in 2021. If you’re looking to join those ranks, you’ll need

Meet the Merchant

5 merchants share lessons they’ve learned as we celebrate Black Business Month

This August marks the 18th anniversary of National Black Business Month, offering a chance to shine a light on the

Health & beauty

How small business owners can help banish imposter syndrome

As a small business owner, you know your business cold–whether it’s making cupcakes or cutting hair. But the job of


Your small business checklist: 25 things to do before the year ends

With the summer winding down, it’s time to start thinking about closing the book on another year for your business.

By state

How to start a business in Arizona

Arizona ranks among the top 10 states in which to launch a business. With its lower tax policies, year-round sunshine,

Clover app partners

The power of inventory management: 3 ways restaurant owners are saving money with MarketMan

Running a restaurant is a fickle business: If everything doesn’t run perfectly, things can go badly, quickly. Restaurant owners have

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

How to make a high-performing kids’ menu for your restaurant

A menu designed especially for the kiddos can hold a certain appeal for busy parents. If the smaller portions and


“Parentrepreneurs” share what it’s like having a baby and running a business

Starting a business is a bit like having a baby. For the first few years, both can be all-encompassing jobs


Corporate social responsibility: 3 ways to change the world with your small business

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and formalized programs for social good have often been viewed as strategies implemented by global companies. Rarely is