Health & beauty

Personal services

How to choose a POS system for your spa business

The right spa POS system can accelerate your business results with features...

Personal services

7 ways to help reduce client no-shows at your service business

For a service business, client no-shows aren’t just an inconvenience, they can...

Meet the Merchant

4 ways Clover supports beauty, health, and other personal services businesses

Beauty and personal services businesses—salons, spas, and makeup studios—are a fast-growing sector...


How small business owners can help banish imposter syndrome

Many small business owners struggle with imposter syndrome. They feel they’ve bitten...


10 ways merchants can (and should) lower their stress levels

With all the uncertainty in the world right now, stress is at...

Meet the Merchant

Ildikó Juhasz is the co-founder of, a dermatology clinic in Calgary,...

Biz ops

5 small business trends & practices that aren’t going away post-pandemic: services edition

Getting back to normal won’t mean getting back to the way things...


Three simple self-care habits to avoid workday burnout

What does clocking in and out even mean when you’re running your...

Health & beauty

10 ways to reduce anxiety for yourself and your employees

With more Americans showing signs of depression or anxiety, odds are, you...

Meet the Merchant

Hair Studio 18

Join us as we chat with Kat Jones, owner of Hair Studio...

Meet the Merchant

Posh Hair District

Our Meet the Merchant series features Q&As with real-world Clover merchants. Read...

Meet the Merchant

Unspoken Smiles Foundation

Our Meet the Merchant series features Q&As with real-world Clover merchants. Read...

Meet the Merchant

ABC Fitness Connection

In this installment, we chat with Tammy L.S. Wright. Along with John...


COVID-19 Services Survival Guide

When your business model depends on human contact, you may be at...

Customer service

How to handle difficult customers effectively

Whether it’s because someone on your staff made a mistake or because...


The 2019 guide to back-to-school planning

Back-to-school season is the second biggest shopping period of the year. Deploying...

Start a small business

5 questions to ask before you open a salon

Chances are good that you got into the beauty business because you’re...


Build your business by tapping into your community

Community involvement is not only personally rewarding, it can be good business...

Clover news

One million reasons to celebrate as Clover passes a major milestone

Momme Imbusch, the owner of Friesen-Apotheken pharmacy in Germany, purchased the millionth...