All the ways to C/love/r: ANSWER KEY

Editorial Team

2 min read
Roses laying on open poetry book

We hope you enjoyed our Clover ballad! Let’s see how you did matching our texts to the poems that inspired them.  Give yourself 1 point for each correct match.

Opening line: How do I love my Clover?
Inspiration: “How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

O Clover Online Ordering
Inspiration: “I Am Not Yours” by Sara Teasdale

Just a customer? No, my dearest and most favorite fan!
Inspiration: “I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love” by Christina Rossetti

Heads held high
Inspiration: “She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron

A contactless payment horizon awakens
Inspiration: “Before You Came” by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Make the waiting stop
Inspiration: “For Keeps” by Joy Harjo

O data, will you tell thy secrets to me?
Inspiration: “The Faerie Queene” by Sir Edmund Spenser (this is believed to be the original inspiration for that well-known rhyme “roses are red, violets are blue”)

How elegant and customizable thou art!
Inspiration: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18)” by William Shakespeare

From the Clover patch I shall pick my own
Inspiration: “A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns

Ok ready? Let’s see how you did!

7-9 points: You should seriously consider changing careers and trying your own hand at poetry, because you clearly know your poets—and enough of their work to be able to match these texts.

4-6 points: A hearty pat on the shoulder you deserve! You must have taken your fair share of poetry classes… or perhaps you are a natural sponge that soaks up cultural knowledge without even trying.

0-3 points: You may not know these particular poems but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate poetry! And this list is a great place to start.


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