Clover App Market Spotlight: Help people find your products online with Pointy

Editorial Team

3 min read
People walking in city

Over 90% of retail still happens offline, in brick-and-mortar stores across the country. However, these days, when a consumer is looking for something, their first port of call is to search for it online rather than visiting their local store.

This would be great news for independent retailers if they showed up in these searches, but currently Amazon and large online retailers dominate the results. Local stores are almost never found for product searches, even if someone is searching for their best-selling item 50 feet from their door.

Brick-and-mortar stores need to appear in these results if they’re to remain competitive, but getting your products online and found by Google is a difficult challenge that most retailers don’t have the time or resources to overcome.

Thanks to their new free Clover app, Pointy helps solve this problem for Clover retailers!

How Pointy’s Free Clover App Works

As soon as you install their Clover app, Pointy automatically creates an online page featuring your store’s products, complete with images and names.

Pointy helps your store to rank on page one of local search results. This directs people nearby who are doing Google searches for products that you stock to visit your store, instead of just ordering the product they’re searching for online.

There’s no need to manually enter product names and images or worry about building and optimising your website. Pointy does all the work for you.

Pointy instantly creates pages of all your store’s products that rank highly on both desktop and mobile.

Getting found online in order to sell in-store

Many retailers believe that in order to benefit from online searches they must sell online–this is simply not true. Your main strengths as a brick-and-mortar retailer are the experiences you create in-store and your proximity to customers. You need to take advantage of these strengths by leveraging your online presence in a way that gets more customers into your store.

With their new free Clover App, Pointy helps you achieve this by getting your store to the top of search results when people nearby are looking for your products online. This makes shopping in your store as convenient as buying online for customers – it’s a win-win for both parties!

Pointy gets independent retailers found online, keeping them competitive with the online giants in the digital age. For a limited time, Pointy is setting up free Pointy pages for Clover retailers. For users who sign up now, it’s free forever. If you’re interested, you can sign up in the Clover App Market.

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