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Customer service

Small business shipping 101

When it comes to eCommerce, online customers have always had high delivery expectations. Though many consumers turned to eCommerce as


How to create compelling visual content for social media that drives attention

Social media is not only a great marketing tool for small businesses, it’s increasingly become an essential one. All around


How to set up a business website

The U.S. eCommerce market was worth $1,034.1 billion in 2022, an increase of 7.7% from 2021. Retail sales, meanwhile, topped

Meet the Merchant

Latin Tours

Thirty years after Mauricio Gamero started a travel agency as an alternative plan to his restaurant, his business Latin Tours

Clover app partners

Cash discount−friend or foe?

Cash discounting allows business owners to legally recoup a majority of their payment processing fees, which can have a positive

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

Bartender licensing: A guide for employers

Whether you run a bar or a restaurant, you probably need someone to mix drinks. And given the ongoing staffing


The Gen Z entrepreneur’s guide to starting a business

Gen Z could be considered one of the most entrepreneurial generations of all time. According to a 2021 survey, about


How to take product pictures that stand out

The old adage says that a picture is worth a thousand words. While good copy, brand positioning, and a target

Gift cards

Support small businesses this Mother’s Day

On May 14th, we’ll celebrate Mother’s Day. With all the challenges of the last year, we salute the mothers who

Clover app partners

Customer appointment scheduling becomes commonplace

As a business owner, you likely have been assisting customers calling to make an appointment for the service or a