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5 questions to ask before working a wedding

In 2018, the average wedding in the U.S. cost $44,000, according to The wedding industry is a nearly $60 billion market, and small business vendors often play an integral…

Make “Kids Eat Free” work for your restaurant

“Free is magic,” as one psychology professor said. It’s seductive. It’s family-forward. It’s a no-brainer, for parents, anyway. What work-weary, wallet-conscious parent wouldn’t drift into a restaurant that offers to…

From food truck to storefront: The concise guide to opening your first permanent location

Ready to park somewhere for good? After a solid foundation of four-wheeled success, perhaps you have a devoted customer base primed to support your first four-walled establishment. Or maybe you’re…

The quick & dirty guide to SEO for your small business

When you started out running your business, you probably conducted as much guerilla marketing as you could—stuff like social media posts to drum up interest or old fashioned word-of-mouth campaigns.…

How smart restaurants deal with rising labor costs

Good news for the economy: hourly wages are up by more than 3% for the ninth straight month, according to the US Department of Labor. And, in the restaurant industry,…

How to make an unbeatable in-restaurant experience

In this digital era of IWWIWWIWI (I want what I want when I want it), one of the toughest challenges restaurant owners face is pulling guests off their phones, through…

Happy hour overhaul: Rethinking your drink special (Part 2)

How can the venerable tradition of Happy Hour be successfully refreshed for your bar or restaurant? We tapped some top-shelf industry experts, experienced both behind the bar and with boosting…

Happy hour overhaul: Rethinking your drink special (Part 1)

The Happy Hour concept sells itself. As Tony Abou-Ganim, author of The Modern Mixologist: Contemporary Classic Cocktails, sums up: “Happy Hour is a great way to expand your clientele by…

4 cash flow management strategies for bars

Owning a bar comes with a lot of responsibilities. You’re managing staff, inventory, expenses, and more, all while trying to keep the party vibes going. It’s a lot to handle,…

Merchant talkback: What’s your biggest business challenge and how are you handling it?

How can merchants take on the challenges of owning a small business—staffing problems, cash flow issues, getting their name in front of customers—and still get ahead? We asked them what…