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Meet the Merchant


Charley Taylor knows all about the transformational power of art. A multidisciplinary artist herself, she had long dreamed of having


5 benefits of credit card processing for lawyers, accountants, and other professional services

Today’s consumers are increasingly credit-card centric. They expect to be able to pay by card versus keeping cash on hand


Importance of cybersecurity training for employees

Cyberattacks are on the rise. In 2021 the average number of cyberattacks and data breaches increased by 15.1% over the

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

How to determine and measure your restaurant KPIs

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are powerful tools that can help restaurant owners and managers objectively assess and measure the health


Here’s to another year of inspiring Clover merchants

As the holidays unfold, we’re celebrating a few of 2022’s most inspirational Clover merchants. These business owners flexed their superpowers–creativity

Coffee shops and cafes

Find money-making restaurant marketing ideas and sales techniques

How do you attract customers to your restaurant? Savvy sales and restaurant marketing. Marketing is a crucial part of your

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

Should you have a soft opening for your restaurant?

In the hospitality industry, surprises are just part of the business. However, when you host a restaurant soft opening, you give

Meet the Merchant

How these service businesses use (and love) their Clover Virtual Terminal

Small business owners are constantly on the move. You aren’t always standing by your Clover device when it’s time to

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

5 tips for updating your tipping policy to retain employees

About 15.6 million restaurant employees in the United States are dependent on tips for their salary. Although the hospitality and


Why Clover merchants should monitor their financial health with Nav

One of the reasons merchants choose Clover for their small businesses is because it makes it easier to help businesses