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Clover product news

Why your restaurant needs a self-ordering kiosk

Self-ordering kiosks have taken the market by storm. In 2022, the global self-service kiosk market size was valued at USD

Clover app partners

Create more efficiency for your service business with recurring invoices, agreements, and e-signatures

In the world of service businesses, efficiency is paramount. One often-overlooked but powerful trio of tools for achieving this efficiency

Gift cards

New era of gift cards — Rise of digital, urban trends, and emerging industries

Carat from Fiserv’s Q1 2024 Gift Card Gauge reveals that while milestone events like birthdays and graduations drive most gift

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

Renting/leasing a commercial kitchen: What business owners need to know

Are you a food and beverage entrepreneur, constrained by your home kitchen’s counter space or your state’s food licensing requirements,

Customer service

Customer churn: Why you’re losing customers and how to win them back

Customer churn is a threat to your revenue that can sneak up on you if you’re not keeping an eye

Full Service Restaurants (FSR)

How to franchise a restaurant

The International Franchise Association found that, for the first time since 2019, more entrepreneurs are turning to the franchise model


Sales tax automation can help streamline your retail store’s financial management

To the west, the high peaks of the Sawatch Ridge rise in the beautiful town of Buena Vista, Colorado. Tucked


8 value-added barber shop services to consider adding to your menu

Barber shop services, beyond standard haircuts, present a great opportunity to grow your business. Becoming a full-service barber shop can


The best business ideas for college students

College is a great time for working while going to school, because you can earn money for your expenses and