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How small businesses can use “design thinking” to improve crucial processes

Small business owners are often so busy, they may not have time to step back and observe their own patterns. What many small merchants don’t realize is that some of…

5 signs your business needs financing

Many small businesses use some form of financing to manage cash flow, secure expensive equipment and/or fund growth. You many think you’re being financially responsible if you’ve been wary of…

How and why to improve SEO for your business website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing the content and navigation on your website to improve its ranking on search engine results pages. Whether you run a restaurant,…

Measure your business health with these 9 numbers

What are some best practices of large corporations that smaller businesses can scale down and make work for them? Visit the Clover blog’s “Enterprise Behavior” topic page for more! Making…

5 growth hacks to increase profits at your quick service restaurant

Growing your restaurant’s sales is only half the equation. In the highly competitive restaurant industry, margins are slim—meaning small businesses may need to get creative to make more money. With…

5 questions to ask to create a striking window display

In today’s digital age, attracting customers to step through your doors is harder than ever. Year-over-year foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores has declined 48 straight months, according to data analytics…

Restaurant cleanliness: Importance of cleaning & sanitation in food industry

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are an estimated 48 million people who get sick from foodborne illness each year, with 128,000 requiring hospitalization. An…

The best business ideas for college students

In this article, learn about some of the viable business paths a college student can pursue as a business owner. From how to be an entrepreneur in college to potential…

How to boost gift card sales: 5 ways

Benefits of offering a gift card program A robust gift card program can offer: Convenience Unlike household goods or clothing, gift cards fit everyone’s tastes and budgets. Your business can…

Understanding the basics: The 4 types of inventory for small businesses

What is inventory? Inventory is everything that goes into a final product that’s available for sale to a consumer. That includes all the individual components it takes to make that…