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under Staffing

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How online employment background checks from Shareable can help you hire better

As a small business owner, you know that you need to hire the right people who can mesh with your team, fit into your culture, and bring valuable skills to…

What is a rotating schedule?

By contrast, other businesses adopt a rotating schedule in which each employee’s hours (or days) change. This article explains what a rotating schedule is, how it works, and what types…

5 tips to help small businesses cover the holiday rush with less

Staffing, inventory, and shipping may all require special considerations this year. Building them into your planning can help streamline the year-end home stretch.  Get the staffing you need Staffing has…

5 reasons Clover merchants use Time Clock by Homebase

Time Clock by Homebase can help you ditch the paper spreadsheets and take away the frustration of manual errors and potential time theft among other benefits.  Some popular features on…

8 effective hiring strategies and best practices to help you deal with the labor market this holiday season

That means, businesses today need to adapt their hiring practices and change their strategies–what used to work for recruiting employees may not work anymore.  Here are 8 strategies you can…

Common hourly payroll mistakes and how to avoid them

Many factors go into making sure your employees are paid the right amount, at the right time, with the necessary legal requirements met. With multiple steps in the payroll process,…

What is paperless payroll?

A paperless payroll system does all of the above, but without the use of material resources. Instead, an employee enters hours worked into an online portal; paycheck stubs are sent…

9 tips for hiring in a super-tight labor market

It can be tough to hire great workers in a tight labor market, especially if you can’t afford to raise wages, as many larger employers are doing. But there are…

1099 vs W-2: What You Don’t Know Could Cost You

It’s common for many employers to refer to independent contractors as “1099” and employees as “W-2” workers after the IRS forms used for reporting purposes. However, simply providing a worker…

W-2 vs. 1099: Choosing between employees and contractors

Either way, the majority of new hires will likely fit into one of two categories: W-2 employees – these workers report their earnings on a W-2 IRS form 1099 contractors…