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What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

Customer relationship management (CRM) allows a business to manage and analyze contact with their past, current, and future customers. The goal of CRM is to allow a business to better…

Keep your customers engaged with Feedback and Rewards

As we outlined in the first segment of this two-part series, customer engagement is a key ingredient to building a sustainable business. Repeat customers are your most valuable fans, even…

Get to know your clientele with Customers and Promos

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been searching for meaningful ways to stay in touch with customers. Customer engagement and loyalty programs are taking top priority as many merchants struggle…

Why we need the “social” of social media more than ever (Part 1)

A bigger gorilla has just entered the room, however. COVID-19 has upended communities across the country and throughout the world; many small merchants are facing uncertainty, downsizing, and sometimes closure.…

Boosting staff morale

In the mad rush to keep orders filled, bills paid, and customers happy, it’s easy to forget about employees. As long as they show up and do the job, all…

Beyond Black Friday marketing

It’s already November, and you know what that means: the holiday season is almost here. Traditionally, the holiday shopping season would kick off with Black Friday deals on the day…

How to launch a subscription-based service for your small business

Every business owner knows that a regular customer is worth their weight in gold. Consider this story about a man who buys a latte and a bagel every weekday from…

How real-time promotions can drive foot traffic & delight your customers

Like anyone with a smartphone and a pulse, you’ve noticed the phenomenon. Businesses are marketing to you through multiple platforms (email, social media, texts) and often get the word out…

8 eye-opening stats about why customer rewards programs are crucial to the bottom line

This sounds like a silly question, but ask yourself: how critical are your most loyal customers? You’re probably laughing to yourself at how absurd that question is—of course your most…

Merchants share their advice for work-life balance

Running a small business can be all-consuming. Especially if you founded your own company, chances are good that you’re the first person called in any crisis and the last person…