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under Meet the Merchant

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Paint 2 Smile

As a young girl, Hoyos immigrated to the U.S. from Colombia with her family. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became an artist herself, using the medium to stay…

What long-time Clover merchants can teach new businesses

Let’s explore the insights shared by 7 inspiring Clover merchants on the strategies behind the staying power of their businesses. ABC Fitness Connection ABC Fitness Connection is a bustling fitness…

Celebrating 100+ merchants

These merchants have shared their histories, challenges, inspirations, and goals for the future during one of the most challenging and exciting periods in small business history.  We’ve spoken to entrepreneurs…

Art as Therapy

That principle is central to her life and her business, Art as Therapy, which she opened in 1998 in Watchung, NJ. Art as Therapy aims to help those struggling with…

My Mobility Medics

Tina and John Pressley knew they wanted to start a business when Tina’s late father helped them land on an idea. A mechanical engineer who became a wheelchair user for…


For thirty years, Lynn Power worked in advertising for some of the world’s most well-known brands, including American Express, Pizza Hut, and Hershey’s. In 2018, she was running a large…

5 ways Clover POS systems support medical businesses

Despite the growth, medical businesses face fierce competition from larger corporations for resources, talent, and patients. To stay competitive, they must maintain efficient operations, effective management tools, and a focus…

4 ways Clover supports beauty, health, and other personal services businesses

To succeed in this competitive market, these businesses need efficient teams and tools to provide excellent service, streamline operations, and foster customer loyalty. That’s where Clover POS comes in. See…

Dads, grads, and gift cards

Gift cards are often a go-to solution for challenging gift-giving situations. They can be the perfect choice for tough-to-shop-for fathers and new graduates who often prefer cash. This graduation season…

Winfield Street Coffee

Donatti, who is half Brazilian and half Italian, had been working in food service for nearly 10 years when he tried his hand at opening a gelato bar and then…