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Clover app partners

You need e-commerce more than ever. Here’s how to do it right.

Small merchants are facing an unprecedented financial crisis caused by the novel coronavirus. One investment firm estimated that total foot

Clover app partners

The COVID-19 Customer Engagement toolkit

Of all the things that vie for your attention as a merchant, from cash flow and inventory to staffing and


Why we need the “social” of social media more than ever (Part 1)

The word has been out for a while. It is no longer an option not to use social media for


Tin Pot Creamery

Earlier this year, we launched a new series called Meet the Merchant, Q&As with real-world Clover® merchants. In our first


COVID-19 Guide: The U.S. CARES Act

The Clover COVID-19 Resource Guide provides small businesses with an informational summary of the various measures contained in the CARES Act. The CARES


COVID-19 Restaurant Survival Guide

Restaurants are among the many small businesses struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Guests are staying home and meals are mostly


FAQs for CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans

The Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) includes a number of programs to help small business owners.

Biz ops

Take your business online quickly with Clover

Earlier this week, we posted an article about how to get your restaurant ready to take online orders through your

Biz ops

Maintain safe distancing with Virtual Terminal

In the midst of the COVID-19 emergency, it is imperative to comply with shelter-in-place orders, maintain social distance, and minimize