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10 exciting restaurant grand opening ideas

Preparing for the grand opening A proper, well-received grand opening relies on months of preparation. Much of the focus tends to be on executing promotional ideas and highlighting your concept…

Build a customer loyalty program–and your business–with Loyalzoo

The holiday season is coming closer, and this year is shaping up to be one of the most competitive. Rewarding your customers and keeping them loyal during and beyond the…

Your small business checklist: 25 things to do before the year ends

Before that happens, let’s check in with your business to see if there are any reasonable, attainable goals you can set to help end the year on a positive note.…

7 reasons these real-world merchants use (and love) gift cards

Gift cards can be a serious boon for businesses and customers. They work so well, in fact, that the gift card market has grown to over $300 billion globally. Offering…

Milk Jar Cookies

While working in television in Los Angeles, CA, Courtney Cowan often brought cookies for her coworkers. She’d been baking since childhood and spent years perfecting her own twist on the…

How three merchants use Clover Customer Engagement to boost business

Recent industry research offers some really interesting insights about engaged customers. Take these 3 stats, for instance:  82% of companies agree that retention is cheaper than acquisition Increasing customer retention…

Toshi’s Cafe

Our Meet the Merchant series features Q&As with real-world Clover merchants. Read our full catalog for innovative ideas and real-life stories of small businesses in action. Clover: So, Toshi, why…

Thrive Juice Lab

Our Meet the Merchant series features Q&As with real-world Clover merchants. Read our full catalog for innovative ideas and real-life stories of small businesses in action. Clover: Tell us about…

15 ways to mentally prepare yourself for the holiday rush

A survey by McKinsey found that 40% of respondents expected to start shopping for gifts earlier in the year as compared to 2020, anticipating shortages, longer shipping times, and supply-chain…

We’re thankful for our merchants

Since the series’ inception we’ve featured 60-plus Clover merchants, and we’re just getting started. We’re celebrating the inventiveness and resilience of our merchants who have persevered and pushed through the…