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5 types of restaurant employee theft, and how to prevent them

As big an issue as theft may be, there are ways to...


5 ways small businesses can take on big competitors

Source: American ExpressAuthor: Meredith Schmidt The playing field has never been level...


9 blogs that all small businesses should follow

Below is our collection of the best blogs for small business owners...


Top productivity hacks for small business owners

How are some small business owners able to get everything done? What is their...


Attract new customers with these tips from American Express

Let you customers know you accept digital payments In recent years contactless...


18 free small business tools to help streamline operations

Free digital tools for small businesses While some of these tools have paid...


Holiday promotion ideas to help boost sales

Smart and effective marketing starts with a strategy. Before planning out specific promotions, businesses...

Start a Small Business

How to start a small business in Canada

However, starting a business in Canada involves a fair amount of research...

Product Updates

Manage all aspects of your business with the Clover Dashboard

The Clover Dashboard is available for all Clover users and provides a...

Product Updates

Clover partnered with Cojilio provides an all-in-one booking & payment solution

Are you looking to minimize the manual, repetitive work associated with managing...

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